white bass and striped bass have so-called 'false gills' on the
inside of their gill covers and three anal fin spines. Both of
these bass species feed almost exclusively, and with relentless
voracity, upon shad and other forage fish.
Also known as sand bass, sandies, and silvers, white bass were
first stocked in New Mexico in 1959. Smaller and chunkier than
their striper cousins, white bass typically weigh about 1 to 1.5
pounds; a white bass weighing more than 2.5 pounds is highly
unusual. Other white bass characteristics include silvery-white
sides, marked by a series of horizontal stripes, only one of
which extends to the tail. Except during spawning, white bass
stay on the move in a continual search for food, along
shorelines in open water.
Striped bass were first introduced into New Mexico in 1972.
Depending on available food, these bass may exceed 55 pounds,
although most stripers caught in New Mexico range from 5 to 20
pounds. Striped bass are known by their elongated bodies, pale
olive to blue backs, silvery sides, and seven-to-eight
horizontal stripes, most extending to the tail. Locating striped
bass is harder than catching them, because they're wanderers of
open waters. Stripers are hearty eaters, most actively feeding
in water temperatures between 70 and 72 degrees.
A 10 percent federal excise tax on your purchase of fishing
equipment and motor boat fuel helps states individually promote
sport fisheries. This includes acquiring easements or leases for
public fishing, funding hatchery and stocking programs,
supporting aquatic education programs, and improving boating
facilities for anglers.
New Mexico
Department of
Game and Fish
P.O. Box 25112 Villagra Building
Santa Fe, NM 87504-5112
(575) 827-7905
1-Elephant Butte, 2-Caballo, 3-Cochiti, 4-Brantley 5-Sumner,
6-Ute, 7-Rio Grande between Elephant Butte and Caballo.